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President's Message

Blue Dots


I want to strengthen all those connections by fostering more opportunities for our District members and clubs to know each other better, do fantastic projects to connect with our community and strengthen our clubs’ connections to Federation. The benefit of being a Federated member is knowing that you are never standing alone but are connected to 90,000 other Federated members. Our clubs are also connected and will get help when they need it!  


So, come and connect with us! Be a Dot! I would love to hear from you, so send me a message.

Mickie Reed

2024-2026 De Anza District President


I am proud to be your 36th De Anza District President! During my two-year term, my goal is to strengthen our clubs’ leadership, membership and federation connections. Our General Federation of Women’s Clubs and California Federation of Women’s Clubs connects us all together, by providing guidance and support. Our District connects all our clubs, bringing Federation principles, training and guidance to our clubs on a personal level. Our clubs connect members and connects their communities through our community service projects.


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Image by Corinne Kutz
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